Kai tėvai pešioja vaikus arba vienas kitą
- jomiloves
- Pranešimai: 4
- Užsiregistravo: 2010.12.24 10:55
- Augintiniai:
sailor - Pranešimai: 22581
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.02.21 23:18
- Miestas: Kaimas Airijos vidury
- Augintiniai:
Taip, perskaičiau. Bet ten kalbama apie jauniklių pešiojimą, nebent nepastebėjau. O kodėl jis savo mylimą patelę pešioja? Kokios priežastys jam taip elgtis? Ar nėra jokių sprendimo būdų?
- jomiloves
- Pranešimai: 4
- Užsiregistravo: 2010.12.24 10:55
- Augintiniai:
Turėjo būti ir apie partnerio pešiojimą rašyta.. Ar jauniklį, ar partnerį pešioja dėl tų pačių priežasčių.
sailor - Pranešimai: 22581
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.02.21 23:18
- Miestas: Kaimas Airijos vidury
- Augintiniai:
Sveiki aš čia naujokas ir labai prašau pasakyti kodėl mano banguotuke peša savo vienam vaikui plunksnas labai prašau padėkite
pilkis - Pranešimai: 128
- Užsiregistravo: 2010.12.29 19:33
- Augintiniai:
- baktras
- Pranešimai: 123
- Užsiregistravo: 2009.11.27 13:58
- Miestas: joniskis
- Augintiniai:
Kiek jauniklių yra? Kokio jie amžiaus? Ar peša tik veinam, ar ir kitiems? Kur tas pešiojimas vyksta?
sailor - Pranešimai: 22581
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.02.21 23:18
- Miestas: Kaimas Airijos vidury
- Augintiniai:
Oropharma (versele-laga vaistus ir pan, gaminanti įmonė) turi naują produktą tiems atvejams, kai tėvai pešioja jauniklius, skelbiasi, kad labai veiksmingas Vadinasi No-Pick
Oropharma No-Pick is a Bitterspray against feather pecking. This product protects growing youngsters from feather plucking by parent animals and helps to prevent feather pecking and self mutilation. Feather pecking of your birds may have many causes. But we can make a clear distinction between feather plucking of growing youngsters by parent animals and pecking their own feathers, primarily by adult psittacidae birds. No-Pick is very effective against the plucking of youngsters by parent birds. This easy to use spray has an extremely bitter taste that removes the parent animal's urge to pluck the feathers.
Many causes are possible with chronic feather pecking. It may be a result of stress, frustration, a dietary deficiency or a combination of various factors. Consult a vet to find out the true cause in your bird because breaking the automatic reflex of feather pecking requires a total approach! In addition to providing more activities for your bird, adapting its accommodation to size, adjusting its diet and regularly bathing your bird, No-Pick is an ideal support due to its extremely bitter taste, which discourages your bird from pecking its feathers.
Directions for use
For the protection of the youngsters: spray on the young from the days of the nest-building until the first egg is laid.
At chronic feather pecking: spray once a day on the birds.
ATTENTION! don't spray in the eyes or the beak.
Oropharma No-Pick is a Bitterspray against feather pecking. This product protects growing youngsters from feather plucking by parent animals and helps to prevent feather pecking and self mutilation. Feather pecking of your birds may have many causes. But we can make a clear distinction between feather plucking of growing youngsters by parent animals and pecking their own feathers, primarily by adult psittacidae birds. No-Pick is very effective against the plucking of youngsters by parent birds. This easy to use spray has an extremely bitter taste that removes the parent animal's urge to pluck the feathers.
Many causes are possible with chronic feather pecking. It may be a result of stress, frustration, a dietary deficiency or a combination of various factors. Consult a vet to find out the true cause in your bird because breaking the automatic reflex of feather pecking requires a total approach! In addition to providing more activities for your bird, adapting its accommodation to size, adjusting its diet and regularly bathing your bird, No-Pick is an ideal support due to its extremely bitter taste, which discourages your bird from pecking its feathers.
Directions for use
For the protection of the youngsters: spray on the young from the days of the nest-building until the first egg is laid.
At chronic feather pecking: spray once a day on the birds.
ATTENTION! don't spray in the eyes or the beak.
Papooga - Pranešimai: 10520
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.01.23 00:17
- Miestas: Vilnius
- Augintiniai:
jeigu kitokie purškalai nuo plunksnų pešiojimo neveiksmingi, tai abejoju, kad šitas jau būtų toks stebuklingas. Kai mano ankstesnis patinas perėjimo metu pradėjo Rocco pešioti (kai jaunikliams išdygo plunksnytės, ir juos ėmė pešti), net kelis purškalus ant Rocco išbandžiau - nė vienas nepadėjo, teko patiną atskirti.
sailor - Pranešimai: 22581
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.02.21 23:18
- Miestas: Kaimas Airijos vidury
- Augintiniai:
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