Sausi sėklų mišiniai
įtariu, kad to JR farm wellness niekaip neįkišiu saviškiams, nebent nimfos jį les (dar nesiūliau). Po kokio mėnesio, jei tikrai nieko su šitais gėriais neišeis, pabandysiu duoti Prestige Premium Budgie, tikėdamasi, kad jis les tas mišinyje esančias granules. Beje, tai Versele-Laga produktas, galima užsisakyti iš Zoon.
In nature birds eat other things besides seeds, insects, fruit herbs etc, are picked up daily by a bird living in its natural habitat to assure the necessary foodstuffs it requires. That is why every successful bird keeper will supply along with the standard seed mixtures various supplementary products ensuring the supply of vitamins, minerals and aminoacids which are required. Shortages of certain aminoacids, vitamins and minerals in the daily ration of the bird quite often leads to poor breeding results and diseases. The veterinarians and nutritionists of Versele_Laga developed seed mixtures for birds, enriched with V.A.M. pellets.
V.A.M. pellets are extruded pellets, manufactured by the same process as the very high praised Nutribird pellets. As it is well known, these Nutribird pellets are a complete food. V.A.M pellets however are very rich in vitamins, minerals and aminoacids. They also contain fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and a high percentage of proteins and energy. V.A.M pellets are not a complete food, but a supplement to the seed mixtures.
By adding V.A.M pellets to the appropriate seed mixtures, the well balanced range Prestige Premium Seed Mixtures for birds is obtained. Diseases resulting from nutritional deficiences are in this way prevented.
In nature birds eat other things besides seeds, insects, fruit herbs etc, are picked up daily by a bird living in its natural habitat to assure the necessary foodstuffs it requires. That is why every successful bird keeper will supply along with the standard seed mixtures various supplementary products ensuring the supply of vitamins, minerals and aminoacids which are required. Shortages of certain aminoacids, vitamins and minerals in the daily ration of the bird quite often leads to poor breeding results and diseases. The veterinarians and nutritionists of Versele_Laga developed seed mixtures for birds, enriched with V.A.M. pellets.
V.A.M. pellets are extruded pellets, manufactured by the same process as the very high praised Nutribird pellets. As it is well known, these Nutribird pellets are a complete food. V.A.M pellets however are very rich in vitamins, minerals and aminoacids. They also contain fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and a high percentage of proteins and energy. V.A.M pellets are not a complete food, but a supplement to the seed mixtures.
By adding V.A.M pellets to the appropriate seed mixtures, the well balanced range Prestige Premium Seed Mixtures for birds is obtained. Diseases resulting from nutritional deficiences are in this way prevented.
sailor - Pranešimai: 22581
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.02.21 23:18
- Miestas: Kaimas Airijos vidury
- Augintiniai:
sailor - Pranešimai: 22581
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.02.21 23:18
- Miestas: Kaimas Airijos vidury
- Augintiniai:
sailor - Pranešimai: 22581
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.02.21 23:18
- Miestas: Kaimas Airijos vidury
- Augintiniai:
sailor - Pranešimai: 22581
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.02.21 23:18
- Miestas: Kaimas Airijos vidury
- Augintiniai:
Nerijau, nuotraukoj pamačiau kad maitini savo rozelas Vitakrafto pašaru skirtu australijos papūgom. norėjau palepinti savo kramerius-nupirkau lygiai tokį patį. Ar tavo papūgos lesa tokius geltonus rutuliukus, kurių tame pašare pilna? Maniškiai tai nei vienas jų nė neragauja. Dar jame yra eukalipto lapų, kurių mano papūgos irgi nelesa. O kaip taviškės? Pas mane visa tai keliauja į šiūkšlyną. Daugiau šito nepirksiu-reikės paieškot kažko kito. Kai rinkausi, dar buvo pašaras neskiriamom papūgom. Gal reikės pabandyt tą... Bet ten su datulėm. Abejoju irgi ar les datules.
aukse - Pranešimai: 11351
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.01.23 18:39
- Miestas: Kaunas
- Augintiniai:
tam maiseli vitakrafto supiltas finko vidutiniu papugu lesalas nes vitakrafto tu geltonu rutuliuku taip pat nelesa nei vienos ,kaktuso ziedu irgi nelesa ,nelesa nei eukalipto viskas kaip ir pas tave keliauja i siuksline taip kad daugiau neperku vitakrafto ,lesinu finko vidutiniu papugu lesalu, jy labai norei lesa
nerijus - Pranešimai: 707
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.03.01 20:33
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