Kakiai - išmatos, fekalijos ir pan.
Pastebėję paukščio negalavimą kuo skubiau kreipkitės į veterinarą. Paukščiai slepia savo ligas ir tuo metu kai ji būna pastebima dažnai būna jau įsisenėjusi ir kritinėje būsenoje.
Pastebėję paukščio negalavimą kuo skubiau kreipkitės į veterinarą. Paukščiai slepia savo ligas ir tuo metu kai ji būna pastebima dažnai būna jau įsisenėjusi ir kritinėje būsenoje.
- baktras
- Pranešimai: 123
- Užsiregistravo: 2009.11.27 13:58
- Miestas: joniskis
- Augintiniai:
užtenka tokios nuotraukos, viskas gerai matosi. Taip ir įtariau, kad išmatos taip atrodo. Situacija pavojinga, paukščiuko kasa pažeista infekcijos, reikėtų kuo sparčiau gydyti. Gal kas turi laiko pasižvalgyti tokie paukščių medicinos knygoje apie kasos susirgimus, gal ten kokių patarimų yra, kuo gydoma, aš dabar turiu išeiti. Dar Dariui M. žinutę rašyk, klausk, ką daryti, gal atsilieps, o gal kas jo telefono numerį turi? Šiaip plataus veikimo antibiotikai padėt turėtų, bet nežinau, kokia Lietuvoj padėtis su tais antibiotikais paukščiams.
sailor - Pranešimai: 22581
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.02.21 23:18
- Miestas: Kaimas Airijos vidury
- Augintiniai:
O kokie antibiotikai vartotini paukščiams? čia šiaip klausiu - jei netyčia kada prireiktų. Turėtų kurie nors iš žmogiškų tikt.
- Arven
- Pranešimai: 1234
- Užsiregistravo: 2010.02.09 17:06
- Miestas: Vilnius
- Augintiniai:
Labai prastai matosi, ar gerai įžiūriu, kad baltoji dalis yra balta, o žalioji dalis salotinė - žaliai gelsva ar gelsvai žalia?
Parašyk dar kokį tiksliai maistą valgo, ir vakar valgė.
Arven, jei nemaišau, esi medikė (apie nudegimus lygtais rašei, jei nemaišau su Arveda ), galiu atsiųsti knygą, rasi ir antibiotikus ir daug daugiau, o gal ir mus pakonsultuosi, vistiek geriaus suprasi tikriausiai
Parašyk dar kokį tiksliai maistą valgo, ir vakar valgė.
Arven, jei nemaišau, esi medikė (apie nudegimus lygtais rašei, jei nemaišau su Arveda ), galiu atsiųsti knygą, rasi ir antibiotikus ir daug daugiau, o gal ir mus pakonsultuosi, vistiek geriaus suprasi tikriausiai
Papooga - Pranešimai: 10520
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.01.23 00:17
- Miestas: Vilnius
- Augintiniai:
- baktras
- Pranešimai: 123
- Užsiregistravo: 2009.11.27 13:58
- Miestas: joniskis
- Augintiniai:
Papooga - Pranešimai: 10520
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.01.23 00:17
- Miestas: Vilnius
- Augintiniai:
Čia abiejų dalių spalvos labai panašios. Man tai tip top kaip prie kasos infekcijų tokios išmatos, dar jos ir didesnės turi būti, negu paprastai.
O apie antibiotikus esu aš čia temą kažkada užvedus. Aš pati tai paukščiams Baytril naudoju prie vidaus infekcijų, dar kvėpavimo takų infekcijoms jie ypač tinka, arba Betamox. Mano Čiauškutė kai kažkada labai sirgo (kepenis įtariau, veterinaras man pritarė), tai Baytril nepadėjo, o Betamox labai tiko.
O apie antibiotikus esu aš čia temą kažkada užvedus. Aš pati tai paukščiams Baytril naudoju prie vidaus infekcijų, dar kvėpavimo takų infekcijoms jie ypač tinka, arba Betamox. Mano Čiauškutė kai kažkada labai sirgo (kepenis įtariau, veterinaras man pritarė), tai Baytril nepadėjo, o Betamox labai tiko.
sailor - Pranešimai: 22581
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.02.21 23:18
- Miestas: Kaimas Airijos vidury
- Augintiniai:
Na pas mane prie kasos rašo:
Affected animals may have voluminous, pale or tan,
greasy feces
Tai net nežinau... Dar rašo, kad riebalai išmatose, riebalingos.
Aš kažkaip dar neatmetu minties, kad užvalgė ko, vit B irgi gali pageltoninti, gal vitaminizuotas maistas arba granulių kokių yra ar dar ko.
Pažiūrėk kuris paveiskliukas panašiausiais:
Color 8.34
Normal excrement from a conure. Note the
green fecal component, white urate component
and clear, liquid urine component,
typical of a bird on a formulated diet with
limited fruits and vegetables.
Color 8.35
Clay-colored, voluminous feces in an Amazon
parrot with maldigestion/malabsorption
Color 8.36
Yellow discoloration of the urates is suggestive
of hepatitis. The consumption of some
yellow-pigmented vegetables and administration
of parenteral B vitamins can cause
a similar discoloration of the urates. In this
case, biliverdinuria was present secondary
to Pacheco’s disease virus-induced hepatocellular
necrosis. The volume of urates and
lack of feces are indicative of anorectic disorders.
Color 8.37
Polyurates and polyuria in a bird with pancreatic
or bile-related renal disease.
Color 8.38
Biliverdinuria and liquid diarrhea in an
African Grey Parrot with chlamydiosis.
Color 8.39
Variation in the color, quantity and consistency
of the excrement passed by a normal
Amazon parrot in a six-hour period. These
illustrate the effects of stress on the nature
of the excrement.
Color 8.40
Variance in the color, form and consistency
of excrement from a normal King Pigeon.
Color 8.41
Biliverdinuria and polyuria in a cockatoo
with bacterial septicemia and hepatitis.
Color 8.42
A five-square-inch area of the bottom of an
Amazon parrot’s enclosure. The enclosure
substrate had been changed 24 hours earlier.
The grouping of the excrement indicates
that the bird had remained in the
same location. A scant quantity of feces is
present in the oldest droppings, but the
more recent droppings (consisting exclusively
of urates) suggest that the bird has
been anorectic for at least 24 hours.
Color 8.43
A mature Yellow-collared Macaw was presented
as an emergency for an acute onset
of bloody diarrhea. The bird was bright,
alert and responsive. The suspected “hemorrhage”
was caused by red dyes on the
underside of the newsprint “bleeding”
Color 8.44
A cockatiel was presented for emergency
evaluation of what the client described as
bloody diarrhea. The bird was bright, alert
and responsive. The bird had consumed a
substantial quantity of fresh blackberries
approximately two hours before presentation,
and the abnormal color of the excrement
was caused by pigments in the blackberries.
Color 8.45
Frank hemorrhage in an Amazon parrot
hen with on ovarian adenocarcinoma, hepatitis
and bacterial enteritis.
Color 8.46
Bluish discoloration of the excrement secondary
to blueberry ingestion.
Color 8.47
Discoloration of the feces and polyuria in a
Blue and Gold Macaw that consumed several
large slices of sweet potato.
Color 8.48
A four-year-old Yellow-naped Amazon Parrot
was presented for anorexia, depression
and straining to defecate. A fecal occult
blood test was positive. A Gram’s stain of
the feces and results of a glucose test and
clotting time were normal. Hematology indicated
a decreased WBC with a mild left
shift. Radiographs indicated metallic densities
in the ventriculus, and the bird responded
to treatment with CaEDTA.
Color 8.49
Severe hematochezia in a mynah bird with
bacterial enteritis. Abnormal clinicopathologic
findings included TP=3.2, PCV=12.
Color 8.50
A 23-year-old obese Amazon parrot was
presented with a one-day history of passing
unclotted blood. Radiographs indicated a
soft tissue density that originated near the
cranial division of the kidney and extended
ventrally into the abdomen. Polyostotic hyperostosis
was also evident. The bird did
not respond to supportive care. Histopathology
indicated severe fatty liver degeneration,
bacterial septicemia and ovarian
Color 8.51
Air bubbles are frequently present in the
feces of birds with diarrhea.
Color 8.52
“Slug-like” excrement in a caique with pancreatic
exocrine insufficiency.
Color 8.53
Polyuria in a Blue and Gold Macaw chick
being fed a standard monkey biscuit-based
formula. Polyuria is common in birds fed
diets containing a high moisture content.
Color 8.54
Polyuria and discolored excrement in a bird
with mucoid enteritis.
Color 8.55
Diarrhea, biliverdinuria and polyuria in an
Amazon parrot with Pacheco’s disease virus-
induced hepatitis.
Color 8.56
Normal excrement in a stressed Umbrella
Cockatoo hen. The excrement was one of
several with greenish discoloration of the
urates caused by bile pigments passing in
the urine due to increased heart rate and
kidney overload.
Color 8.57
Undigested seeds that are a component of
the feces (right) must be differentiated
from seeds that have fallen onto the feces.
This cockatiel had neuropathic gastric dilatation.
Color 8.58
Vomitus from a Severe Macaw with
neuropathic gastric dilatation. Note the
frothy nature of the material and the
chunks of undigested seeds. The pH of the
material was 2.6, confirming that it had
originated from the proventriculus.
Affected animals may have voluminous, pale or tan,
greasy feces
Tai net nežinau... Dar rašo, kad riebalai išmatose, riebalingos.
Aš kažkaip dar neatmetu minties, kad užvalgė ko, vit B irgi gali pageltoninti, gal vitaminizuotas maistas arba granulių kokių yra ar dar ko.
Pažiūrėk kuris paveiskliukas panašiausiais:
Color 8.34
Normal excrement from a conure. Note the
green fecal component, white urate component
and clear, liquid urine component,
typical of a bird on a formulated diet with
limited fruits and vegetables.
Color 8.35
Clay-colored, voluminous feces in an Amazon
parrot with maldigestion/malabsorption
Color 8.36
Yellow discoloration of the urates is suggestive
of hepatitis. The consumption of some
yellow-pigmented vegetables and administration
of parenteral B vitamins can cause
a similar discoloration of the urates. In this
case, biliverdinuria was present secondary
to Pacheco’s disease virus-induced hepatocellular
necrosis. The volume of urates and
lack of feces are indicative of anorectic disorders.
Color 8.37
Polyurates and polyuria in a bird with pancreatic
or bile-related renal disease.
Color 8.38
Biliverdinuria and liquid diarrhea in an
African Grey Parrot with chlamydiosis.
Color 8.39
Variation in the color, quantity and consistency
of the excrement passed by a normal
Amazon parrot in a six-hour period. These
illustrate the effects of stress on the nature
of the excrement.
Color 8.40
Variance in the color, form and consistency
of excrement from a normal King Pigeon.
Color 8.41
Biliverdinuria and polyuria in a cockatoo
with bacterial septicemia and hepatitis.
Color 8.42
A five-square-inch area of the bottom of an
Amazon parrot’s enclosure. The enclosure
substrate had been changed 24 hours earlier.
The grouping of the excrement indicates
that the bird had remained in the
same location. A scant quantity of feces is
present in the oldest droppings, but the
more recent droppings (consisting exclusively
of urates) suggest that the bird has
been anorectic for at least 24 hours.
Color 8.43
A mature Yellow-collared Macaw was presented
as an emergency for an acute onset
of bloody diarrhea. The bird was bright,
alert and responsive. The suspected “hemorrhage”
was caused by red dyes on the
underside of the newsprint “bleeding”
Color 8.44
A cockatiel was presented for emergency
evaluation of what the client described as
bloody diarrhea. The bird was bright, alert
and responsive. The bird had consumed a
substantial quantity of fresh blackberries
approximately two hours before presentation,
and the abnormal color of the excrement
was caused by pigments in the blackberries.
Color 8.45
Frank hemorrhage in an Amazon parrot
hen with on ovarian adenocarcinoma, hepatitis
and bacterial enteritis.
Color 8.46
Bluish discoloration of the excrement secondary
to blueberry ingestion.
Color 8.47
Discoloration of the feces and polyuria in a
Blue and Gold Macaw that consumed several
large slices of sweet potato.
Color 8.48
A four-year-old Yellow-naped Amazon Parrot
was presented for anorexia, depression
and straining to defecate. A fecal occult
blood test was positive. A Gram’s stain of
the feces and results of a glucose test and
clotting time were normal. Hematology indicated
a decreased WBC with a mild left
shift. Radiographs indicated metallic densities
in the ventriculus, and the bird responded
to treatment with CaEDTA.
Color 8.49
Severe hematochezia in a mynah bird with
bacterial enteritis. Abnormal clinicopathologic
findings included TP=3.2, PCV=12.
Color 8.50
A 23-year-old obese Amazon parrot was
presented with a one-day history of passing
unclotted blood. Radiographs indicated a
soft tissue density that originated near the
cranial division of the kidney and extended
ventrally into the abdomen. Polyostotic hyperostosis
was also evident. The bird did
not respond to supportive care. Histopathology
indicated severe fatty liver degeneration,
bacterial septicemia and ovarian
Color 8.51
Air bubbles are frequently present in the
feces of birds with diarrhea.
Color 8.52
“Slug-like” excrement in a caique with pancreatic
exocrine insufficiency.
Color 8.53
Polyuria in a Blue and Gold Macaw chick
being fed a standard monkey biscuit-based
formula. Polyuria is common in birds fed
diets containing a high moisture content.
Color 8.54
Polyuria and discolored excrement in a bird
with mucoid enteritis.
Color 8.55
Diarrhea, biliverdinuria and polyuria in an
Amazon parrot with Pacheco’s disease virus-
induced hepatitis.
Color 8.56
Normal excrement in a stressed Umbrella
Cockatoo hen. The excrement was one of
several with greenish discoloration of the
urates caused by bile pigments passing in
the urine due to increased heart rate and
kidney overload.
Color 8.57
Undigested seeds that are a component of
the feces (right) must be differentiated
from seeds that have fallen onto the feces.
This cockatiel had neuropathic gastric dilatation.
Color 8.58
Vomitus from a Severe Macaw with
neuropathic gastric dilatation. Note the
frothy nature of the material and the
chunks of undigested seeds. The pH of the
material was 2.6, confirming that it had
originated from the proventriculus.
Papooga - Pranešimai: 10520
- Užsiregistravo: 2007.01.23 00:17
- Miestas: Vilnius
- Augintiniai:
lea - Pranešimai: 3287
- Užsiregistravo: 2008.08.24 21:59
- Miestas: Crawley, UK
- Augintiniai:
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